Friday, August 21, 2009

New Gym

I'm making the switch!!! That's right, I'm switching gyms. I've been at the Y for the last year because I need a pool. Well I don't really end up swimming there. I swim at Oak Bay Rec. I don't really like the change rooms at the Y and the hours suck. I feel like the Y is trying to make me conform to their wierd unreasonable hours....well NO MORE! J works out at Odyssey and told me to try it...I frickin love it there!!! New equiptment, a kettleball station, huge tv's right next to my fave cardio machine...and...the best part.....24 HOUR ACCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right. You heard me. I worked out at 1am the other night. Loves it. So I have to go to the Y today and tell them to beat it. Which should be fun. C is away right now so I'm the mattress showroom queen!! Classes finished this week, so now I have a little break before my crazy crazy september hell time begins. Also, hormone treatment for the egg retrieval has begun. Yup, I'm donating eggs. For realsies. I have to inject myself with hormones everyday. Pretty intense. I go to Toronto for the harvesting (not sure if that's the most appropriate word) sept 4th - 8th! yeaaaaa

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