Thursday, April 29, 2010


Banquets are definitely going to take up most of my life. Yesterday was my first day and it was a 12 hr work day. I think I may still be adjusting to the altitude. Every so often I feel a little lightheaded and dizzy. I'm beating myself up hardcore for not being right back into training but I guess I've only been here for a few days, I have to give myself some time to get settled. That being said, A is picking my up for a run tomorrow at 830am, which is awesome. Must run more. Once I'm settled into my routine it'll be much easier. I'm rushing myself. Which I guess is in my nature. I'm setting some goals for this work term. Other than work and school goals, I need to set some personal ones. Like I want to take time for me and have that be ok with me. I know, it's a stretch. But it's a goal. Must also not gorge myself on dirty banquet food, no matter how good it looks....that's gonna be hard. I've eaten so much in the last few days it's ridiculous. Run tomorrow and workout in the evening. that's the goal....that's tomorrow's goal anyway. sigh.

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