Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Dinner and the evaluation for school went well. Good times! Workout was epic!! Got 20 mins into my run and Shorty showed up so off we went to workout. Bi's and tri's were on the agenda. We traded our favorite excercises and I MAY DIE tomorrow!! Shorty showed me a few new sweet cable exercises for both muscles groups and I got her to do some excercises on the bosu. We have two very different training styles. I tend to gravitate towards total body exercises because with all the triathlon training I don't have time to focus on any one body part. Shorty does a lot of weight training and is more focused on training an individual muscle group in each workout. So for us to share and combine training techniques is really beneficial and a really interesting variance to my regular workout....therefore....i'm gonna be SORE tomorrow!! Horray. Did another 10 min run after our weights so that's 30 mins running total which is about 5k. Which isn't far enough. 10 k tomorrow and Elk Lake weds. That's the goal!!


  1. I hear you soreness. i'm hella sore from Kyla kickin my ass.

  2. yea dude.....lugging my books around campus today was TOUGH!! so sore..
